About Blue Star

Blue Star was originally a coven founded in Pennsylvania by Frank Dufner. Later, after Frank left the Coven, his high Priestess Tzipora Katz and her then-husband Kenny Klein toured on the Ren-Faire Circuit and spread Blue Star throughout the United States. With many covens found all over, Blue Star became a tradition. Today, we have over 200 initiates as well as many more family members at our outer court level.

We trace our lineage back through American Welsh and have ties to both the Gardenarian and Alexandrian Traditions. We have a set liturgy and a hierarchial initiatory degree system. Some both in and out of the tradition consider ourselves British Traditional Wicca, others (both in and out) don’t.

Blue Star has a focus on worship of the Gods. Personal connection to deity is very important to Blue Star. Magic and spell work is secondary to worship. As well, we place an emphasis on our shared sense of family, keeping contact through a variety of social networks, email lists and of course face to face gatherings either within larger pagan gatherings, or at our own family and initiate gatherings. It’s been said that Blue Star is less of a tradition and more of a buffet, which speaks to our love of good food and community.

Our largest areas of concentration are in the NJ/PA, Minneapolis and New England areas. Although we are close to each other, each coven is fully autonomous with no centralized authority.

The first class for Dedication, (Intro to Blue Star) is available here as a presentation.

You can read more about Blue Star at the following links: